
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Taken For Granted

Hello again, my friends,
Oh Easel, how I've missed you! As most of you that know me, know I have chickens, and bees, and 3 acres. I've even had goats...for a minute. The work, sometimes, seems never ending. In the Louisiana summer, the heat can make it almost unbearable. This painting was inspired by yard work. It's a routine part of life here, with all the grass and animals. The picking up of debris before the mower is even cranked is the normal way of things. Some things just should not be taken for granted, like my friend, Mr. Wheelbarrow. You don't realize how much you miss the small things until you have a flat tire on the wheelbarrow, and have a 50 pound bag of chicken feed to unload from the vehicle. This is a small painting and is 5x7 oil on gessoed panel.
Taken For Granted