
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Blue Light Special" January 29, 2013

Hello again, friends,

This painting was supposed to be a suprise for my oldest son, Terry. His birthday is January 20, two days after mine. Well.....he sorta had to get an I. O. U. on his birthday, because I couldn't get this painting finished in time. LOL I thought, what a cute idea....Happy Birthday, son, I love you. Here is your I. O. U. He probably didn't think it was to funny, but I did. Anyway, he said he understood, since I work full time and had to work over alot that week, I couldn't finish it in time. Hopefully, he knows I love him dearly. Never the less, I finished it! Only 9 days late!

This is my oldest son, Terry. He is a deputy with the Sheriff's office. On this particular day, he was training, or having a workout session, or however you want to put it, with the narcotics dog named Jap. I personally would call it terrifying! But, he loves his job. Someone took a picture at just the right moment when Jap was latching down on Terry's arm like he was a culprit about to escape justice! Terry loves this photo, so I thought it would make a special birthday present for him to hang on his wall. So I used the photo as a reference and this is the result. I named it "Blue Light Special", in honor of the Sheriff's office and the Deputies who put their lives on the line every day.  Thanks for enjoying my art. I certainly do.

                                                                      Blue Light Special
                                                              Oil on Stretched Canvas


Barbara Pask said...

Oh Nina great job. I bet he loves this, you're such a wonderful mom.

Debra Bryant said...

Really a great finish to this painting Nina. I am sure Terry loves it. Late doesn't mean so much when this is the kind of gift you are waiting for! :)

AvonLdy said...

Awesome!!! Love it!!!

AvonLdy said...

Awesome!!! Love it!!!